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- /* vol.c
- This is the VCB dcmd.
- Copyright © 1988 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
- Modification history:
- 29Nov88 sad revised for new dcmd names. display more info.
- 5Oct88 sad written.
- The following MPW commands will build the dcmd and copy it to the
- "Debugger Prefs" file in the System folder. The dcmd's name in
- MacsBug will be the name of the file built by the Linker.
- You must first copy dcmd.h, dcmdGlue.a.o and DRunTime.o from the
- C Samples folder into this folder.
- C Put.c
- C Vol.c
- Link dcmdGlue.a.o Vol.c.o put.c.o DRuntime.o "{Libraries}"Interface.o -o Vol
- BuildDcmd Vol 1002
- Echo 'include "Vol";' | Rez -a -o "{systemFolder}Debugger Prefs"
- */
- #include <Types.h>
- #include <Memory.h>
- #include <OSUtils.h>
- #include <Files.h>
- #include "dcmd.h"
- #include "put.h"
- #define VCBQHdr ((QHdrPtr)0x356)
- static void DrawHdr()
- {
- // 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
- // 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789
- dcmdDrawLine("\pvRef Vol Flg dRef Drive FSID #Blk BlkSiz #Files #Dirs Blsd Dir VCB at");
- }
- static void DrawVCB(VCB* vcbp)
- {
- PutUHexWord(vcbp->vcbVRefNum);
- PutSpace();
- PutPStrTruncTo(vcbp->vcbVN,15);
- PutSpace();
- PutChar((vcbp->vcbFlags & 0x8000) ? 'D' : 'd');
- PutChar((vcbp->vcbAtrb & 0x8000) ? 'S' : 's');
- PutChar((vcbp->vcbAtrb & 0x4000) ? 'H' : 'h');
- PutSpace();
- PutUHexWord(vcbp->vcbDRefNum);
- PutSpace();
- PutSpace();
- PutUHexWord(vcbp->vcbDrvNum);
- PutSpace();
- PutUHexWord(vcbp->vcbFSID);
- PutSpace();
- PutUHexWord(vcbp->vcbNmAlBlks);
- PutSpace();
- PutUHexZTo(vcbp->vcbAlBlkSiz,6,47);
- PutSpace();
- PutUHexZTo(vcbp->vcbFilCnt,6,54);
- PutSpace();
- PutUHexZTo(vcbp->vcbDirCnt,6,61);
- PutSpace();
- PutUHexZTo(vcbp->vcbFndrInfo[0],6,70);
- PutSpace();
- PutUHexZTo((unsigned long)vcbp,6,77);
- PutLine();
- }
- static Boolean PrefixPStr(const Str255 astr, const Str255 bstr)
- // returns true if astr is equal to a prefix of bstr
- // astr must not be longer than 31 characters
- {
- char newstr[31];
- int alen = *astr;
- int blen = *bstr;
- if (alen <= blen)
- {
- BlockMove(bstr+1,newstr+1,alen);
- newstr[0] = alen;
- return EqualString(astr,newstr,false,true);
- }
- else return false;
- } // PrefixPStr
- // EJECT
- pascal void CommandEntry(dcmdBlock* paramPtr)
- {
- switch (paramPtr->request)
- {
- case dcmdInit:
- break;
- case dcmdHelp:
- dcmdDrawLine("\pvol [vRefNum|drvNum|\"vol name\"]");
- dcmdDrawLine("\p Displays volume information for the given vrefnum, volume name or all mounted volumes.");
- dcmdDrawLine("\p Flags are D/d=Dirty, S/s=Software locked, H/h=Hardware locked.");
- break;
- case dcmdDoIt:
- {
- Boolean doOneVCB = false;
- long vref;
- short c;
- Boolean haveVolName = false;
- Str255 volname;
- VCB* vcbp;
- int numvcbs = 0;
- Boolean foundOne = false;
- dcmdSwapWorlds();
- dcmdDrawLine("\pDisplaying Volume Control Blocks");
- // get low-memory values after dcmdSwapWorlds()
- vcbp = (VCB*)(VCBQHdr->qHead);
- c = dcmdPeekAtNextChar();
- if (c == '"' || c == '\'')
- {
- haveVolName = true;
- (void)dcmdGetNextParameter(volname);
- }
- else (void)dcmdGetNextExpression(&vref, &doOneVCB);
- if (doOneVCB) vref = (short)vref;
- while (vcbp)
- {
- if ((doOneVCB && (vcbp->vcbVRefNum == vref || vcbp->vcbDrvNum == vref)) ||
- (haveVolName && PrefixPStr(volname,vcbp->vcbVN)) ||
- (!doOneVCB && !haveVolName))
- {
- numvcbs++;
- if (!foundOne)
- {
- DrawHdr();
- foundOne = true;
- }
- DrawVCB(vcbp);
- }
- if (paramPtr->aborted) break;
- if (vcbp->qLink == 0)
- if (vcbp != (VCB*)(VCBQHdr->qTail))
- dcmdDrawLine("\pVCB queue does not end at VCBQHdr.qTail");
- vcbp = (VCB*)vcbp->qLink;
- }
- if (!paramPtr->aborted)
- if (haveVolName || doOneVCB)
- {
- if (!foundOne)
- if (haveVolName)
- {
- PutPStr("\pno mounted volumes match \"");
- PutPStr(volname);
- PutChar('"');
- PutLine();
- }
- else
- {
- PutPStr("\pno mounted volumes match ");
- PutUHexWord(vref);
- PutLine();
- }
- }
- else
- {
- PutUDec(numvcbs);
- PutPStr("\p VCBs");
- PutLine();
- }
- dcmdSwapWorlds();
- }
- break;
- default:
- PutPStr("\punknown request ");
- PutUDec(paramPtr->request);
- PutLine();
- break;
- }
- } // CommandEntry